you're beautiful

Anorexia: Don't eat, you'll just get fat. Cause that's what you are- fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat
Binge: Come on, you deserve the ice cream and candy bars. It will make you feel better.
Bulimia: Why the heck did you do that!? You don't want that sitting in your body. Not even a month of restricting can make up for that. Throw it up you wuss!
Self Harm: You suck so much. You'll never recover. You'll never get better. Here's a razor, you'll feel better.
Suicide: Everyone hates you. No one would care. It will never get better. Here's some pills, the pain will disappear.
Recovery: You are beautiful. You are worthy. You are strong. You are wonderful. You will recover. You will get better. You are loved. So many care. Things will get better.
~Choose the voice you will listen to~