turn to you
So damn fucking perfect♥
ojojoj vad jag blev exalterad nu då!!! kommer helt allvarligt super seriöst talat ta livet av mig om jag inte får tag i biljetter...
y you so hot
this is why I love beliebers♥
hahah 3-3.25♥
Justin drew bieber
The posters may come down.
The t-shirts may be lost in a drawer.
The websites may be less visited
but I will never forget about Justin.
The t-shirts may be lost in a drawer.
The websites may be less visited
but I will never forget about Justin.
happy birthday honey
crying my eyes out♥
I can't even explain how proud I am of him, he has gotten so damn far in just 3 years. I just wish I was there from the beginning. He's the greatest inspiration you could ever have and I love him so much. He really means the world to me. He has made cry, smile, laugh, believe and so much more, he just helps me pull through everyday, he gives me hope. I love him for the person he is, I love him for never chancing, I love him for his voice, for his cheesy songs, for making me smile, for making me believe in my dreams, I just love him with all my heart. HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY JUSTIN. please never change♥
I wish Justin was allergic to clothes, my life would be complete.
Justin has a girlfriend, and people still call him gay. That's when you know you fail at trying to find reasons to hate.
hahah, you gotta love the haters♥
vill inte inse att han snart fyller 18..
give me this one please
Yes I listen to Justin Bieber.
No I'm not 12 years old.
No I'm not dumb for liking him.
Yes I know what real music is.
No matter how much hate I get
or how much people dislike me for being a beliber,
I never regret that I became one.
No I'm not 12 years old.
No I'm not dumb for liking him.
Yes I know what real music is.
No matter how much hate I get
or how much people dislike me for being a beliber,
I never regret that I became one.
Don't be racist. Be like Justin.
He's Canadian, French, German, white, acts like he's black and wears fake mustache to be mexican.
He's Canadian, French, German, white, acts like he's black and wears fake mustache to be mexican.
If you can't respect Justin - don't talk to me, don't look at me, don't even think about me
you flawless bastard♥
why so gorgeous
so damn proud
Man ser verkligen hur himla nervös han är men det gör mig inte mindre stolt. Fan vad han har kommit långt♥ Från att ha Michael Jackson som inspirationskälla och verkligen se upp till honom, till att få hålla tal på hans minnes ceremoni(eller vad det nu heter..) Önskar verkligen att Michael fortfarande levde så Justin skulle fått träffa honom, fatta hur mycket det hade betytt för honom alltså.. Fan vad jag längtar till believe nu också, hoppas verkligen han gör lite annorlunda låtar så alla inte bara handlar om tjejer som dom gör nu, ärligt talat lite uttjatande. Aja nu ska jag försöka skaffa mig ett liv!